What Are The Best House Plants to Spruce Up Your Living Space

House plant is one such item that can elevate any space effortlessly. Having house plants around is always a nice feeling as they cozy up the space. Here is a list of the best plants for the house from lapier's flowers-

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  • Flower Shops Sarnia

House plant is one such item that can elevate any space effortlessly. Having house plants around is always a nice feeling as they cozy up the space. Bring in some light, freshness to the air and look soothing to the eyes as well. House plants make your space look chic, clean and also bind it all together. Apart from the many natural benefits plants also serve as a wonderful piece of decor. The best house plants are those which look great in your house and are also easy to maintain. Some indoor plants are not so friendly while others don't mind much. You can choose flowers at flower shops in Sarnia according to your relationship with flowers and plants. If you are a beginner then going with plants that are on the easier side would be better, and if you already are a plant parent. Then challenge your skills with some new species.

Here is a list of the best plants for the house from lapier's flowers- 


This lovely flowering plant has purple, yellow and white blooms according to the type. Orchids grow tall and look mesmerizing with their blooms over the top edge. Orchids are a symbol of luxury, wealth, beauty and strength. Orchids need indirect sunlight to thrive. With a hint of color this looks just right in any surrounding.

#String of pearls

This is a hanging plant which has strings hanging down. And on those strings are beads called pearls. This plant is green in color and looks super fresh. Easy to take care with minimal watering like once every two weeks. String of pearls needs direct sunlight, but be aware of over watering as this plant is super sensitive to too much water.

#ZZ plant

This plant is also known as Zanzibar Gem, and has tall stems with thin bouncy leaves. Put this in a shady spot , with minimal watering because it is drought resistant. This is one of the best house plants to clean the air as it looks and feels just as good as it purifies the air around you. Keeps harmful fumes like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene.

#Peacock plant 

This would look just gorgeous over a coffee table, this plant has strips in its leaves with round thin crisp leaves. This plant looks eccentric. This one is a little different and prefers humid conditions, along with some misting. If put in the right light this plant also develops a reddish tone to it. Ideal light conditions would be bright indirect light.


After all the greens we have got some flowers as well. Get Plants Flower Delivery in Corunna ON. Marigolds are again easy to take care of and bring a pop of color to your space. With its blazing orange and yellow this plant needs the soil to dry out between two watering. With direct bright sun the flower needs more watering. Interestingly these flowers are a symbol of strength, power, and light.

At wyoming florist you can find these flowers and more indoor plants that will really take your decor level up. Enjoy your time with these lovely plants and flowers.
